Elliott Patrick

Just a spark in the sky.

The balance of life comes from the beginning,
And this comes from the big bang that started this thing.

From this vibration, chaos ruled in total,
and now everything in the world is becoming digitally mobile.

What are the chances of that,
makes jazz seem like a logistical fact.

When I see a bottle rocket exploding in space,
I stop and wonder the chances a small universe it might create.

Maybe in that few seconds a hundred million years have passed, and for me only short time has lapsed.

The chances of this is beyond imagination,
But so was our beginning our creation

From all this chaos we came to formation,
and gives reason for anyone living here years of contemplation


The echo of youth still remains here.

But the now, brings a bit of insecurity’s fears.

For the suffering that mankind endures.

The choice to stop causing this pain,
is a seed of compassion and a tiger to tame.

With pure intention,
bearing our chests,
the beast can be conquered
And made into a pet.

The right motivation
and the right steps.

Can change the hard heartedness
To loving ways we happily accept.


My pen is losing ink,
every word brings it closer to its end.
But I remember when it was new, and full, so dark blue.
It seemed it would last for ever . Fooled by the birth of my first letter,
Then I became complacence and disregarded its longevity.
Carefree I would just scribble,
If there was only a way of recovering those lines that didn’t mean any thing.
Now there’s a need to put away my pen save the ink that I’ve been given,
But is that a true way of living?

20 April 2010
(The Flame.) A moment of stillness and silence combined, without any prospect that thought could define.
Gone to the center and found it’s not there, grasping at illusions and wisdom disappear.
Letting go as water forms any shape, calmness comes clear as an undisturbed lake.
Time has no bearing, it doesn't exist, as the flames light continues after it’s extinguished.
A kiss to the vastness of distance and space, forever and never,
are in The same place.

Space / Key Space

There is an ocean between some of my friends,
or a land mass that’s almost impossible to pass.
Mountain ranges that touch the sky,
......but with my keyboard I can float by.
Talk to people in Iceland, Thailand, Mexico, and France.
The list could go on, and it circles the world.
Gheshe’s, Rimpoche‘s, Lamas, and Monks, where Dharma flows like the wind, inspiring information from so many friends poetry, paintings, songs and Zen.
A common understanding for so many of us.
We’re sharing in the collaboration of positive direction,
a great time to be part of what could change the world’s perception.

Aware of the ten directions,
the center of nowhere,
......empty perfection,
A million years gone in an instance,
for the past present and future,
all happening in the same instant.
My mind runs like a wild horse, in the clouds
of imagination, as powerful as the universe will allow.
Standing on the edge in endless space, filled with the light
Buddha’s compassionate Dharma teaching gave.

With happiness.

With happiness there’s sadness that’s mixes in,
For somewhere there are other’s that are suffering.
When we’re sad and things look bad,
time and space brings us back.
...Most of life is give and take,
Trying to be surefooted in an earthquake. Sitting in a meditated pose, letting what is, come and go. Focusing on selflessness, And falling throw the sky, compassion is the way of knowing why.

18 April 2009
WINTER 2010.

May spiritual bells ring in the wind,
and touch the air you’re traveling in.
Share the love and joy of life,
with friends and smiles,
that brings this time of year alive.
A kind word and a hand,
to all those in need, or pain.
With mindful understanding how to learn to live with change.
Consideration for everyone on this earth.
For the more we give of ourselves,
is our most precious virtue and our greatest worth.

Elliott Patrick
Fingers bleed.

My fingers bleed from the pressure to achieve, to put down on paper words to move, the minds of the few who take the time to read.
Looking into the mirror of passions exhausted dreams, as I try to keep from grasping at leisure and balancing patience and wisdom while battling samsara ignorance, that keeps leading me back in to pain and suffering.
Which way will I lean ?

Elliott Patrick
Happy New Year 2011.

Another chance to take a ride around the glorious golden sun, with joy of each day to love, Om Mani Padme Hum, and be part of each day of change that will come.

The hope that this New Year is one of patience and generosity,
where enemies become friends or at least neutral adversaries.

My love to all of the teachers who have guided my way,
for being so blest and helping me with my understanding today.

To all who look into their minds eye and see its the best time of our lives to be alive.

Elliott Patrick

Paul Vens

luister naar Paul Vens - In the Cellar of my Home


Onderweg naar Aurora
Door bossen en landschappen
Sneeuw en storm zijn mijn metgezellen
Misschien klop ik op je deur
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Van stad en dorp en onder de bruggen
Monniken en zwervers verhalen
Het geluid van een stad in de verte
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Sinds ik geboren ben
Is er de roep van het Zuiden
Sinds ik onderweg ben
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Door moerassen en twijfels
Vorst en regen verhullen het zicht
Misschien klop ik op je deur
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Zal de kar vastlopen in het ijs
Mijn voeten bevriezen, zwart?
Kerkklokken klinken in de horizon
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Is het een dorp of een stadje?
Mocht ik bezwijken in ijzig water
Overhellen tot in het riskante…?
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Verwacht je me bij de poort?
Ken me als een verhaal of als een boodschap?
Een oude orde in een onbekende jas?
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Een soldaat in een wachthuis huilt zacht
Een nieuwe tijd hangt boven de velden
Ik voel het in de straten van het dorp
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Wordt wakker en omhels de kilte
Het komt van, en gaat terug naar woorden in de tijd
Wacht een ontmoeting van hier met jou
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Hoe verder weg hoe vager het licht?
Wachters verbreken de stilte
Hun roep klinkt over de velden
Onderweg naar Aurora

Onderweg naar Aurora
Soms is het licht zo geestelijk
Slechts tijd voert me verder en verder
Zo vreemd dat ik mijn eigen gestalte vergeet
Onderweg naar Aurora

Paul 2010
Beatriz Campos

Beatriz Campos (14 oktober 1915 - 31 mei 2009) is in Ovar geboren en is op driejarige leeftijd in Algés gaan wonen.
Daar, in Lissabon, heeft ze les gehad van de grote meesters, João Saavedra Machado (tekenaar anatomie van de Medische School van Lissabon), Raquel Roque Gameiro (de enige vrouw met een erepenning van de Kunstsociëteit), en de beeldhouder Simões de Almeida.
Later werd ze geïnitieerd als keramist door Eduardo Leite, zelf een gerenommeerde aquarellist en keramist van de beroemde fabriek Viúva Lamego.
Mestre João Saveedra zegt over Beatriz Campos: “Beatriz tekent als een man”. In die tijd behoorde het “kussens beschilderen” toe aan de vrouwen.
In 1931 werd ze uitgenodigd om les te geven en is ze begonnen met exposeren. Toen ze in 1952 terugkeerde naar Ovar had ze al een breed oeuvre met evenveel awards en eervolle vermeldingen. Later werd ze verkozen tot ‘vrouw van het jaar 2000’.
Haar werk, tekeningen, aquarellen, schilderijen en standbeelden, is terug te vinden in verschillende steden over de hele wereld; een gedeelte is privébezit. De azulejos kun je zien in verschillende gebouwen, in verschillende steden in Portugal.

Beatriz Campos (14 de outubro de 1915 - 31 de maio de 2009) nasceu em Ovar.
Aos três anos de idade foi viver para Algés. Na capital teve aulas com o Mestre João Saavedra Machado (desenhador de Anatomia da Escola Médica de Lisboa), com Raquel Roque Gameiro (filha do célebre aguarelista Roque Gameiro, e única senhora com Medalha de Honra da Sociedade de Belas Artes), e com o escultor Simões de Almeida “Sobrinho”.
Mais tarde, foi iniciada como ceramista por Eduardo Leite, ele próprio um nobile aquarelista e ceramista da famosa fábrica Viúva Lamego.
Mestre João Saveedra diz de Beatriz Campos: "Beatriz desenha como um homem", o que, naquela época, era um grande elogio, visto que às mulheres estava reservada somente a "pintura de almofadas".
Em 1931 foi convidada para ensinar e começou a expor. Quando em 1952 voltou a Ovar tinha já um amplo curriculum havia recebido vários prémios e menções. Mais tarde foi eleita "Mulher do Ano 2000".
Os seus trabalhos (desenhos, aquarelas, pinturas e escultura) podem ser encontrados em várias cidades do mundo, sendo uma parte propriedade privada. Os azulejos podem ser visto em vários edifícios em várias cidades de Portugal.
João Videira Santos

Nasci em Lisboa, Portugal.
Tive o previlégio de conviver com algumas das mais proeminentes figuras da cultura Portuguesa.
Há muito que estou ligado à actividade artistica desenvolvendo a minha criatividade na poesia, nas artes plásticas e, também, na musica.
Anos atrás, alguns jovens da canção Portuguesa interpretaram composições de minha autoria.
Algumas dessas composições tiveram gravação comercial e edição internacional.
Em 2007 a minha composição “Mona Kilumba”, interpretada pelo Duo N'gola, fez parte da coletânea “As 100 grandes músicas de Angola dos anos 60 e 70" - sendo o único autor/compositor representado não nasceu, nem nunca esteve em Angola.
Colaborei com diversos programas de rádio em Portugal e no estrangeiro, escrevendo poesia, crónicas e textos de opinião.
Tenho poesia editada em disco, publicada em jornais, revistas, páginas da web e em livro editados em Portugal, Brasil e Espanha.
A convite e de parceria com a fotógrafa brasileira Renata Biglia, apresentei no Brasil, em Agosto de 2009, na Embaixada de Portugal, em Brasilia, e em Novembro de 2010, no Memorial do Rio Grande do Sul, em Porto Alegre, a exposição poemofotográfica "o nú das palavras".
No campo da pintura, tenho participado em diversas exposições individuais e colectivas, sendo que alguns dos meus trabalhos fazem parte de colecções particulares em Portugal, Espanha, França, Roménia, Brasil e Japão.
Em 2004 e 2005 fui distinguido pelo Artmajeur com o “Silver Award”.
De Outubro de 2008 a Julho de 2010 fui responsável e curador das exposições de artes plásticas da Galeria Dominio Público, em Lisboa, apresentando 20 exposições individuais de igual numero de artistas e 5 exposições colectivas com um total de 25 artistas.
Conjuntamente com os actores e actrizes Armando Cortez, Alina Vaz, Raul Solnado, Carmen Dolores, Jacinto Ramos, Manuela Maria, o cenógrafo Octávio Clérigo, o arquitecto Augusto Silva, o cançonetista Valério Silva, a Dra Maria Barroso e outros, sou fundador, autor dos estatutos e membro das primeiras direcções da Apoiarte / Casa do Artista, em Lisboa.

MY ‘MYSELF’. ...
I was born in Lisbon, Portugal.
I had the privilege of huddling with some of the most prominent figures of the Portuguese culture.
Since long ago, I'm connected to artistic activity developing my creativity in poetry, plastic arts and also in music.
Years ago, some young Portuguese interpreted songs of my own compositions.
Some of these compositions had international commercial recording and editing.
In 2007 my song "Mona Kilumba" performed by Duo N'gola was part of the compilation "The 100 greatest songs of the 60’s and 70’s of Angola - me, the only author/composer had never been in Angola .
I collaborated with several radio programs in Portugal and abroad, writing poetry, chronicles and opinion texts.
I have poetry published in vynil, published in newspapers, magazines, web pages and books published in Portugal, Brazil and Spain.
Invited and in partnership with the Brazilian photographer Renata Biglia, I introduced in Brazil in August 2009, at the Embassy of Portugal in Brasilia, and in November 2010, at Memorial do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, the poemofotograpgic exposition "the naked of the words."
In the field of painting, I have participated in several individual and collective exhibitions, and some of my works are part of private collections in Portugal, Spain, France, Romania, Brazil and Japan
In 2004 and 2005 I was distinguished by Artmajeur with the "Silver Award".
From October 2008 to July 2010 I was responsible and curator of art exhibitions in the Gallery Dominio Público, Lisbon, with 20 individual exhibitions and an equal number of collective exhibitions with a total of 25 artists.
Together with the actors and actresses Armando Cortez, Alina Vaz Raul Solnado, Carmen Dolores, Jacinto Ramos, Maria Manuela, the designer Octavio Cleric, architect Augusto Silva, the ditty Valerio Silva, Dr. Maria Barroso and others, I am the founder, author of the statutes and member of the first departments of Apoiarte / House of Artist, in Lisbon.

Jorge Santos

Sou o Jorge Santos, nasci em Coimbra, Portugal, precisamente a meio do Século XX (6 de Janeiro de 1950) e fui o primeiro de 8 filhos de um casal de professores.
Durante 27 anos trabalhei em Educação Especial e hoje, apesar de reformado, continuo a ocupar uma parte substancial do meu tempo na luta pela inclusão (na escola e na sociedade).
A fotografia como um hobbie realmente sério surgiu na minha vida em 1973 quando comprei um estúdio a preto e branco e fiz alguns milhares de fotos.
Embora ainda mantenha e use algumas câmaras de filme sou, objectivamente, um apaixonado pelo digital. Se tivesse que me caracterizar hoje em dia diria que não sou um fotógrafo mas um fazedor de imagens baseadas em fotografias.
Carpe Diem...

I'm Jorge Santos, was born in Coimbra, Portugal, precisely in the middle of the Twentieth Century (January 6, 1950) and was the first of 8 children of a teachers couple.
For 27 years I worked in Special Education and today, although retired, I still occupy a substantial portion of my time in the fight for inclusion (in school and society).
Photography as a real serious hobby came in my life in 1973 when I bought a studio in black and white and made a few thousand photos.
Although I still have and use film cameras I am, objectively, passionate about digital. If I had to characterize myself today, I would say that I am not a photographer but a maker of images based on photographs.
Carpe Diem ...

Luís Cutileiro

Luís Cutileiro, Alentejano, cidadão do Mundo. Sem côr nem deus nem fado. Livre, sobretudo Livre.

Luís Cutileiro, from Alentejo, a citizen of the World. Without color, god or ‘fado’. Free, above all, Free.

Rémy Donnadieu

Né en 1962, il a baroudé et exposé un peu partout. Ces débuts se feront dans le monde de la BD, la Déco, l'Ecriture, la Peinture puis il s'orientera définitivement vers la photo en 1995. Avec ses images en mouvement ou non, Rémy photographie l'inconnu qui est devant nous et que l'on ne vois plus.

Born in 1962, he has striven and exhibited a bit everywhere. He debuted in the world of BD, Deco, writing, and painting till he found his truly way in photography, in 1995. With his images in movement or not, Rémy photographs de unknown before us, that we no longer see.
